Sandless sandbags for flood prevention and control that can be used for quick and easy deployment
during natural disasters and calamities.
- Quick deployment- ready to use in an instant (activates in less than 5 minutes)
- Activated by water or other liquids
- Once inflated remains inflated for minimum 7 days. Stays activated for 12 weeks if in
contact with a liquid/water - Minimum Shelf life of 5 years
- Certified to absorb most liquids
- Certified to absorb chemicals
- Certified to absorb oil spillages
- Certified to effectively suppress blasts or explosions in Class 1
- Equally effective in clear water and saline water
- Transparent casing for visual contamination detection
- Reusable
- Offer long lasting flood protection
- Comes in vacuumed sealed bag- 5 bags per vacuum seal
- Bio degradable
Fabric composition:
Nonwoven cover stock: Polypropylene tissue
Absorbent Medium: Wood Pulp fluff (Cellulose fibres)
SAP: Superabsorbent Polymer (Polyacrylate, cross linked)
Please contact For bulk and general queries.
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Email: Info@veritaztrading.com
Paytm: +91 – 8920914937
FloodSax Flood Barrier Wall Demo Video
FloodSax in Action
Floodsax – a logical purchase for any user
Just makes sense!!!
With a guaranteed shelf life of 5 years, anyone who buys floodsax is saving themselves off the
numerous hassles of water logging/ over flows and hazardous situations for as little as INR 58 paise/
a day, per sack over a period of 5 years.
IF it is used during any continuous rainy season and is in touch with water for say any period of 12
weeks ( which is within a typical monsoon period of a year) and it resolves your water logging/ water
over flowing into you living areas, it would be at a fractional cost of INR 12 rupees a day.
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